How to use curl with a mobile proxy - how to guide by Northern Proxy.

Welcome, tech pilgrims! You find yourselves again on the path to geek enlightenment, just one stop away from when you’ll be bragging to your friends about how you got these sweet mobile proxies and now you’re using them to scrape with cURL.

But first, let’s keep things basic for now. Yes, I mean seriously basic!

Let’s Kick This Off Right: Curl and Proxies

First and foremost, we’ve got to take the time to step aside and really cover the A-B-C’s here in a bit of detail. By the end of this little rant, you should have a solid foundation on what curl does, what a proxy is, and what it’s good for, ok? Let’s roll!

What is Curl?

Picture this: Curl is like a magic wand that transfers data from or to a network server, all using URL syntax. It’s a command-line tool that works wonders with data transmission. We’re essentially talking HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, you name it!

Before we get into why you would want to use curl with a mobile proxy, let’s have a quick chat about ‘why’ and ‘what’ a proxy server is?

What is a Proxy Server?

Remember that one friend who acted as a mediator? The one who would pass your tiny love letters to your high school sweetheart? That’s exactly what a proxy server does – it’s an intermediary server that separates you, the end users, from the websites you browse.

Woah, Why do I need a Proxy Server?

Okay, chill mate! Proxy servers provide increased performance and security. Your boss won’t know if you’ve been sneaking in a quick game of PUBG during work hours! (Disclaimer: We are in no way encouraging such behavior, this is purely hypothetical. Okay? Good.)

Who is this Blog for and What Will you Learn?

This tech anecdote is perfect for anyone who’s a beginner with proxy servers and curl. Don’t get it twisted though, there’s always something new to learn for the experienced folks out there. By the end of this blog post, you’ll be a curl-using, mobile proxy-wielding tech ninja!

Just stick with me for this exhilarating journey where the destination is the treasure of knowledge about how to use curl with a mobile proxy.

The ABCs of cURL

As every Tech guru will tell you, a solid understanding of the basics is key in tackling any advanced coding hurdles. So, let’s kick things off with the ABCs, shall we? Welcome to your crash course in cURL — buckle up!

cURL, or ‘Client URL’, is more than just a quirky tech term. Acting like a whizz kid’s magic wand, it’s a command-line tool that serves one primary purpose—ship off requests to the slippery world of URLs and bring back data to your command line. And, just like magic, it can handle any URL you throw at it.

An example, you ask?

Alright, gear up, Sherlock. Here’s the most basic example of how to use curl with a mobile proxy. Consider this your first foray into the wild:

curl https://www.google.com

Throw that into your terminal or command prompt, tap Enter, and voila! It will fetch the HTML page of Google and print it on your console, ready for inspection. Pretty neat, right? You’ve just entered the Matrix, my friend!

Want more? Alright, here’s another fun one:

curl https://www.google.com -I

This command lets cURL only toss back the document information—a bit like asking for just a dish’s ingredients without actually trying the food. Your output will look something like this:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1

Essentially, you’ve made cURL your personal hacker without the need for any black-hoodies (unless that’s your style, in which case, carry on). Armed with these basics, using cURL is as straightforward as requesting Harry Potter to bring you a glass of butterbeer. You’re well on your way, mate!

Next up, we’ll be installing cURL on various operating systems. Stay tuned, coders!

Setting Up Shop: The Installation of cURL

Setting the stage for IT heroics – let’s get that cURL installed! Not unlike the dramatic installation of a nuclear core in a high-budget Hollywood film, this process is elegance in execution, pure distilled excitement! Buckle up, folks!

First things first, you should know that our pal cURL is preinstalled on many Linux distributions and MacOS, and even comes bundled with Windows 10 as of late. That’s right – it’s just sitting there waiting for you to use it, like a forgotten toy in a Pixar movie. Cue the sad violin music…

But let’s shake off the melancholy. If you’re like me and rocking the Ubuntu look, here’s what you need to do to awaken this sleeping giant:

sudo apt install curl

Just pop that into your Terminal and up, up, and away! It’s as easy as ordering pizza. And almost as satisfying!

In case you’re running something older (vintage and proud of it), you might need to download curl directly from the ‘Valhalla of downloads’, also known as their official download page. Same goes if you’re looking for an alternate version.

Now, on to the next step. When you want to use curl with a mobile proxy (ah, the smell of great segues in the morning), there are a few essential pieces of information you need. It’s like plotting a treasure map to your private data booty.

This crucial list includes:

  • Proxy server address
  • Port
  • Protocol
  • Username (only if authentication is needed)
  • Password (again, only if that pesky authentication is required)

Continuing with our example, let’s imagine that our treasure map (i.e., the proxy server) is located at, the port is 1234, the user is creatively named ‘user’, and the password is ‘pwd’. Simple enough, right?

Stay tuned, eager reader, as we dive deeper into the cozy, connected world of cURL and mobile proxies in the next chapter.

Gather Your Toolbox: The Essentials You Need to Connect to a Mobile Proxy

You know that feeling when you’re about to embark on a legendary quest in World of WarCraft, or join an epic, heart-pounding match in Overwatch? Well, buckle up! We’re about to take you on a tech adventure, arguably as exciting, on how to use curl with a mobile proxy.

First off, it’s key to note, before you set off in your quest to conquer the tech universe, you need to pack up your arsenal. And by that, we mean gathering some critical information for using a mobile proxy with curl. For starters, think of your proxy server as your spaceship, or your gaming console, guiding you through the cyber realm.

The vital stats? Server address, port, protocol, username, and password. Yup! Without these, you might as well call yourself a gamer without a joystick. Quite a predicament, right?

To set the stage for our guide, we’ll use the following settings: a proxy server address set to, our prized port is 1234, the user name is user (as exciting as that time you named your Skyrim character Dovahkiin), and the password is pwd.

Previewing ahead, we’re going to illustrate how to use curl with a mobile proxy, exploring examples that cover a whole gamut of protocols. Buckle up for the ride!

[NOTE: For those of you in a network under the cloak of NTLM authentication, fret not. You can use the switch –proxy-ntlm when running curl. Similar to a stealth-mode in an Elites game. –proxy-digest is the key for digest authentication. You can view all available power-ups (read: options) by running the classic curl –help move. In our battle guide, we’ll also take you through scenarios where you need to use a username and password.]

Alright, fellow companions, brace yourself as we jump in the next level – the art and science of using curl with HTTP/HTTPS proxy!

Walking the Tech Tightrope: Using cURL with HTTP/HTTPS Proxy

You’ve made it this far, dear digital spelunkers! We’ve dived deep into the misty caves of tech lingo, unearthed the mystical lore of cURL, and navigated the treacherous terrains of installation. Are you ready for your next undertaking? Fist bumps and high fives all around as we embark on the grand adventure of unveiling how to use curl with a mobile proxy. Today’s mission, should you choose to accept it (and we both know you will) involves the most prevalent tech scenario – using cURL with an HTTP/HTTPS proxy.

Curling With Command Line Arguments

Setting a proxy in cURL is as intuitive as whipping up your favorite late-night snack with one hand and gaming with the other. All it requires is a bit of command-line finesse. Take this, for instance:

curl --help

Ta-da! A smorgasbord of juicy options appears before you, one of which will be something like:

-x, --proxy [protocol://]host[:port]

This all-powerful -x command, as victorious as the spot on a treasure map, is the switch that helps us provide the proxy details. Take note, explorers, this -x of ours is as delicate as it is powerful – a lowercase daredevil, sensitive to the case of his companions.

The proxy details can either sneak in with -x or parade in with --proxy, like so:

curl -x "http://user:pwd@" "http://httpbin.org/ip"


curl --proxy "http://user:pwd@" "http://httpbin.org/ip"

Shake Hands With The Insecured Connections

If you encounter SSL certificate errors along your boisterous journey through the tech kingdom, worry not. A little -k can work wonders and allow insecure server connections whooping about in the field of SSL.

curl --proxy "http://user:pwd@" "http://httpbin.org/ip" -k

A word to the wise – keep both your proxy URL and target URL secure in the comforting embrace of double quotes. It’s a well-followed practice and (trust me!) can handle any special characters in the URL with ease.

I’ll leave you with a final piece of proxy wizardry – the default proxy protocol here is HTTP. Hence, both of these commands perform the exact same magic trick:

curl --proxy "http://user:pwd@" "http://httpbin.org/ip" curl --proxy "user:pwd@" "http://httpbin.org/ip"

So there you have it, fellow coders, we’ve cracked the code on how to use curl with a mobile proxy. But remember, this is just one chapter in our grand tech tale, onwards to the next adventure! Stay geeky!

Walk the Talk: Hands-on Examples

Get ready, squad, because we’re about to level up on how to use curl with a mobile proxy with these hands-on examples. If you’ve persisted this far, consider this round a pinnacle quest filled up with XP.

We’re going to break this down like a game walkthrough, stage by stage, exactly what command to run and what output to expect. Remember, bench those errors, and tag the syntax with you.

Catching the Game Starter

Let’s cling on to the command line and deal with a quick curl request. Picture this as booting up your favorite console game.

Using the basics we’ve learned, fire up your terminal emulator of your choice (a Techradarian always has their fav, right?) and punch in the following command:

curl -x "http://user:pwd@" "http://httpbin.org/ip"

You’ll see the text spilling out experiments faster than you can say “respawn.” This command just caught the target URL’s (http://httpbin.org/ip) source code, using a mobile proxy that’s wurde to the following credentials: Server:, Port: 1234, User: user, and Password: pwd.

Adding Some FPS Elements to the Mix

Now, let’s dab into additional flair like specifying HTTP headers and methods. Expressing yourself is what a true IGN-lover does, right? Let’s retrieve the header info of the target URL, with the -I option:

curl -I -x "http://user:pwd@" "http://httpbin.org/ip"

Let’s say we want to access a REST API and send a POST request. In these scenarios, using -X POST is as satisfying as landing that perfect headshot in any FPS game:

curl -X POST -x "http://user:pwd@" "http://httpbin.org/post"

Adding Some RPG Elements—Persist the Save

Lastly, let’s grind some experience points by making persistent changes to config files. If you saved your game progress, you wouldn’t want to lose it after switching off your gaming rig, right? Similarly, use -c or --cookie-jar to save the HTTP cookies from server response for later requests:

curl -c cookies.txt -x "http://user:pwd@" "http://httpbin.org/cookies"

Alright, fellow techies, you’re now ten steps closer to becoming a cURL legend. Enjoy these newfound powers responsibly. Remember, with great scripting ability comes great automation potential. Can’t wait to see you scripting around using curl with a mobile proxy like a pro! Onwards!

Take Control: Using Environment Variables

Imagine you’re the puppet master, pulling the strings behind the scenes – that’s what using environment variables feels like. This method to use proxy with curl adds a layer of control to your operations. It’s like having the power of Thor’s hammer, but without all those pesky family issues (Loki, amirite?).

But first, a word of caution. This trick only flies with MacOS and Linux; If you’re in the Windows camp, jump to the next section. Trust me, the view’s still great from there.

When dealing with these environment variables, we’re looking at two recruits from our app’s Avengers line-up: http_proxy and https_proxy. Their names speak volumes (‘transparency for the win!’, no pun intended!). http_proxy applies when you’re accessing addresses that use the http protocol. https_proxy, predictably, takes the baton for the https protocol.

Here’s how you set these up on your command line:

export http_proxy="http://user:pwd@" export https_proxy="http://user:pwd@"

Once you’ve keyed in these commands, make like Forrest Gump and run, curl! Run, curl!

curl "http://httpbin.org/ip"

If you meet with SSL Certificate errors along the way, just add -k to ignore these pesky hiccups.

Bear in mind that the changes made by these variables hold power over your entire system. If this makes you jittery, you can switch off the global proxy by entering these two code lines into your terminal:

unset http_proxy unset https_proxy

Stay tuned for the next section, where we’ll talk about setting the proxy specifically for curl and not the entire system. Now, doesn’t that sound like a neat trick to keep up your sleeve?

Until next time, stay awesome, tech maestros!

Remember: With great power comes great responsibility…and a lot of fun with proxies.

United We Proxy: Configure Curl to Always Use Proxy

Ever wished Curl was like that loyal golden retriever who NEVER leaves your side? Here’s a tech hack that’s got you covered. Get your Curl to act like a clingy sidekick, never going anywhere without your beloved proxy. So let’s amp up your tech game and see how to use curl with a mobile proxy in a persistent, always-on kind of way.

DIY Proxy Command Center

Imagine having your very own mission control center, always set for action, always on the go! This is what a Curl config file is for your proxy scenarios. Essentially, what we’re doing is making sure that even when you’re using Curl for various commands, it’s never far from its trusty proxy sidekick.

For the MacOS or Linux folks out there, it’s pretty straightforward. Go traipsing into your terminal like a rogue explorer and navigate to your home directory. Tech wizards commonly put these spells to use:

  • cd ~
  • nano .curlrc

Now, if there’s already a .curlrc file lying around here, brushing the dust off old spells won’t hurt. If new to the land, a ‘nano .curlrc’ spell is your ticket to a new .curlrc file.

Directing your Proxy Magic

In the sea of bits and bytes, add this powerful line of code. Think of it as setting your compass:


Save this little fragment of wisdom in the .curlrc file. Now run Curl casually, just your average tech genius move, and you’ll see it reads the proxy from the .curlrc file charmingly.

For example, running curl "http://httpbin.org/ip" will show you how this harmony unfolds in live action.

A Byte of Windows

Now, let’s not leave our Windows pals in the dark. Here, our curl config file superhero is made real via a new persona, _curlrc. It’s a bit like how Clark Kent exists in his everyday life to hide his Superman alter ego. Except we’re dealing with proxies and curl commands, not world-saving, which it might feel like anyway!

But where’s this elusive alter ego hiding, you ask? Bamboozle the system by running echo %APPDATA% in your command prompt. This reveals the origin story of our superhero, something akin to:


Now, go on and introduce your _curlrc file into its new existence. Don’t forget the power that comes with it:


With this, you’re wielding the same powers in Linux, MacOS, and Windows – the tech trifecta!

And that, my friend, is how to use Curl with a mobile proxy (cue dramatic music for effect). But keep in mind, handle great power responsibly, and remember to have fun while you’re at it!

The Wild Card: Ignore or Override Proxy for a Single Request

Since I know you’re all about having control and flexibility, this is the point where things get really juicy. As my older brother used to say, “sometimes, you have to go rogue,” that’s especially true when diving into some clandestine tech operations.

Picture the scene. A jungle of data requests, tangled cables swarming the skyline. You’ve carefully set up your proxy for all curl requests. But then, suddenly, you spot it. A single request that needs to zig whilst all others zag! You need to ignore or override the proxy for this lone wolf. “How to use curl with a mobile proxy” for just that single, very special, request—you ask? Well, dear reader, let me be your guide to this secret tech trail!

Going Solo: How to Override Proxy for a Single Request

It’s as simple as flicking a virtual switch. Use the -x or --proxy switch as you normally would and set the new proxy. Voila! Just like that, you’ve made a curl request to step out of the proxy shadows. Here’s an example command:

curl --proxy "http://user:pwd@" "http://httpbin.org/ip"

Can you feel that? That’s the power of going your way in a structured system! But wait, there’s more.

Shadow Walk: How to Bypass Proxy for a Single Request

Now, our lone wolf wants to avoid the detected path entirely—completely bypass the proxy. No problem! cURL comes with a command known as noproxy tailor-made for such covert operations—the Sam Fisher or Solid Snake of commands, if you will. Use the noproxy command followed by “*”. Here’s how it’s done:

curl --noproxy "*" "http://httpbin.org/ip"

That’s it! You’ve successfully instructed cURL to bypass the proxy for this particular URL. Feels like you just slipped through the security matrix, doesn’t it?

Remember though, with great power comes great responsibility. You’ve now learnt how to use curl with a mobile proxy for a single request and to bypass proxies when needed. Use these commands wisely, tweak them to your convenience and always keep exploring. Until next time, continue hacking away at your keypads!

Bonus Expedition: Quick toggles for proxy settings

This section is reserved for our tech-savvy readers who like to streamline their tasks. Buckle up, because we’re about to do a deep dive into the legendary .bashrc file. Never heard of it before? Sit tight, ’cause we’re about to brew up some command line magic!

The .bashrc Files: The Key to Optimizing Your cURL Commands

Alright folks, here’s the deal. When you constantly use cURL with a mobile proxy, you’ll soon realize toggling the proxy settings on and off, before and after every single request, can get a tad bit monotonous. If you smile and connect to its rhythm, it’s jazz. But on most days, it’s as rhythmic as a dial-up modem booting up! Fortunately, we’ve discovered an enchanting solution lurking in your .bashrc file, which can help you effortlessly switch your proxies like a wizard controlling its wand.

Setting Up Your Bash Alias

In pure technobabble-free human lingo, to set up bash aliases, all you need to do is add a few lines in your .bashrc file. Pop it open with any text editor – personally, I’m a vim man myself – and sling in the following lines:

alias proxyon="export http_proxy='http://user:pwd@';export https_proxy='http://user:pwd@'" alias proxyoff="unset http_proxy;unset https_proxy"

Tutorial Mode: Activating Your Proxy Settings

Let’s break that down, shall we? After saving your .bashrc, update your shell by running the command . ~/.bashrc on your terminal. Now, things start to get interesting. Whenever you need to use cURL with a mobile proxy, just type proxyon and hit enter. Voila! Your proxy is now activated. Run all the cURL commands your heart desires. Towering stack of commands? Fear not, the proxy is now enabled for all of them.

After you’re done, type proxyoff and hit enter again. Your proxy is now deactivated. Simple, snappy, and efficient – exactly how we tech folks like things!

Wrap Up: Proxy Settings – Your New Play Ball

What did we just do? We just turned the otherwise scary-looking proxy settings into your fun new play ball. And that’s the power of your .bashrc file! Remember folks, hand tools are only troll tools, if you don’t control tools. Happy journeying through the world of cURL and mobile proxies!

A Special Envoy: The Intricacies of cURL Socks Proxy

Pack your bags, folks! We are heading into some uncharted territory— using cURL socks proxy. Ever heard of it? If you haven’t, don’t worry. We will navigate this together.

Traversing the Socks Protocol

Typically, when your proxy server is tipping its hat to the socks protocol, the syntax remains the same. The magic command looks something like this:

curl -x "socks5://user:pwd@" "http://httpbin.org/ip"

Voila! You’ve just used curl with a mobile proxy of socks flavor! There’s a whole wardrobe of socks versions out there. Don’t worry about mismatched pairs; you can comfortably use socks4://socks4a://socks5://, or socks5h:// depending on what your proxy server decides to wear.

Dancing with Different Switches

For some of you girls and guys who love to mix it up, you may want to swap -x with --socks5. It’s like changing the dance partner. You can waltz, tango, or salsa with the same command using a different switch while sending your username and password with the --proxy-user switch.

Check this out:

curl --socks5 "" "http://httpbin.org/ip" --proxy-user user:pwd

The --socks4--socks4a, or --socks5 options can be your dance moves, depending on the version of socks your proxy server is jiving to.

The Right Choice of Shoes

The cURL socks proxy route is one of the many paths through the vast universe of cURL commands. With different options and flexibility, it’s like having the right shoes for every type of ground out there. Whether you’re tip-toeing through HTTP/HTTPS or grooving with socks, knowing how to use curl with a mobile proxy is a power move in itself!

Let’s take a moment to appreciate the brilliance of the cURL command line tool. It’s like the Swiss Army Knife of the programming world – adaptable, versatile, and, let’s be honest, quite the show-off! Whether you’re a seasoned programmer scraping the web or a tech enthusiast dabbling in automation, the combination of cURL with a mobile proxy keeps you stepping strong and stepping right.

Remember one key takeaway here: knowledge of using cURL with a mobile proxy is your ticket to unlocking a whole new layer of efficiencies in your day-to-day tech adventures. So, don’t just learn it, master it. Keep coding, keep exploring!

Until next time, this is your friendly neighborhood tech enthusiast, signing off!

The Grand Finale: Wrapping It Up

Alright you Tech whizz! Having made it this far, you’ve just cracked the code on how to use curl with a mobile proxy. No mean feat, trust me. And aren’t you just brimming with new geek knowledge now? Let’s do a quick recap.

Curl, the immutable go-to-cli tool

If technology had Hall of Fame, cURL would surely hold a prime spot. Our web-based “Swiss Army Knife”, cURL makes data exchange sessions almost a breeze (remember the HTML page thing). From simple types to the most complex, cURL can transfer data with or without user interaction. The “-I” switch made getting document information so simple, didn’t it?

The Gateway to Freedom

Add a proxy server into the mix and cURL becomes an even more powerful tool. Cherishing the thought of your data zipping freely across cyberspace, unencumbered by the constraints of geography and internet censorship? Proxies make this possible by serving as your digital ‘mask’. We explored how handy details like the server address, port, protocol, username, password are magically instrumental in realizing this dream.

Curl + Proxy = The Dream Duo

In the journey of understanding how to use curl with a mobile proxy, we traversed different paths. From the world where command-line arguments reigned supreme to environmental variables taking over, we even configured cURL for an always-on proxy mode! And guess what, you learnt to play your wildcard well by bypassing or overriding proxy settings for that ‘one special request’.


And there you have it! Your very own “Bridge over Troubled Water” a.k.a your step-by-step guide on how to use curl with a mobile proxy. Beyond just the techie jargon and commands, remember that understanding this adds a whole new powerful toolset to your web scraping or automation projects. Be the proxy user who can establish connections, transfer data, and be a tech maven – all at the command line!

Happy proxying, folks! Remember, in the tech-world, you’re only as good as what you can troubleshoot!

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